6 Youtube Channels That Will Guide And Teach You About Freelancing

Kinza Siddiqui.
2 min readApr 5, 2020

Youtube can be an origin of knowledge. You might have come across many channels having content about lifestyles, fashion, entertainment. But Youtube can also help you earn good, that too for free. Yes, you read it right. How? Through freelancing.

I did some research and tried to list down the best and the most helpful youtube channels in terms of freelancing to share with you so you can save your time and thank me later.

  1. Chris The Freelancer

Chris is an Australian Youtuber. His headline says “live and work anywhere”, he teaches his audience how they can work from home and can make most of their time. Most of his videos are about traveling but he sometimes also does interviews and shares his own thoughts and opinions about freelancing. Watch Here

2. Brett Dev

Like Chris, Brett Dev is also a well known freelancer. He lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He makes content about web dev tutorials and freelancing tips. He shows you the lifestyle of living abroad. He also tells his experience as a freelancer, how you can be a freelancer, some dos and don’ts. Watch Here

3. John Morris

John helps web designers and developers with two things: how to code and how to market themselves. He is aimed at new coders who can make a career out of their skills. He has almost 72k subscribers on youtube. His way of explaining things is easy to learn and understand. Watch Here

4. Chris Fox

Chris Fox being an independent author knows that time is the most valuable resource and he shares how he makes the most out of it and guides his audience how they can do it too. He has a youtube channel with almost 35k subscribers. Whether you are a freelancer, developer or a web designer, his channel will surely help you. Watch Here

5. Jorden Makelle

Jorden Makelle is a freelance writer. She has a youtube channel having 32.6k subscribers.

She makes content to help entrepreneurs, bloggers and freelance writers in creating amazing content, writing better and growing well in the world of freelancing. Watch Here

6. Charli Marie

Charli Marie is a web and graphic designer. If you want some advice and inspiration in terms of freelance life, then you should check Charli Marie’s channel. Charli explains freelancing in a very friendly manner. She makes content about the challenges her being a freelancer has faced. Watch Here

If you are thinking about starting freelancing, then I would suggest you check all the channels I mentioned above. There are dozens of channels related to freelancing on youtube. All you have to do is: search. Though, I hope the channels I listed above will help you.

